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What to Do After a Car Accident: Navigating the Claims Process

Car accidents are disorienting and can make you feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do next. However, doing the wrong things can affect your insurance claim or even have serious legal consequences, depending on the severity of the accident.

Therefore, it’s crucial to stay calm and follow a structured approach to navigate the claims process efficiently. Here we will help you to understand the process to ensure you successfully make your claim. Read on to find out more.

8 Steps to Follow After a Car Accident

If you’ve just had an accident or are simply wondering what to do, here are the steps to follow after a car accident to ensure your insurance claim goes smoothly.

1. Check for the Safety Of Everyone Involved

Immediately after a car accident, your first concern should be your safety and that of every other person involved in the accident. Check for injuries. This will help you know whether to call for an ambulance or use first aid treatment.

Then, if possible, move the car from the road to a safe location, such as the sidewalk or the shoulder of the road. This can prevent further accidents.

2. Contact a Police Officer

Insurers are more likely to approve your claim if you have a police report because it proves the validity of your account of the accident. So, after ensuring the safety of everyone involved in the car, the next thing is to contact the authorities.

Note that the police might not respond if the accident is just a minor collision. However, regardless of the accident’s severity, file a police report, as it can provide crucial documentation for your insurance claim.

Cooperate fully with the police and provide accurate information about the accident. If the police arrive at the scene, take note of the officer’s name, badge number, and contact information. Also, request for a copy of the accident report from the officer. If the police did not come, request a report from the law enforcement office.

3. Gather Information

Get relevant personal details from all parties involved in the accident, such as names, contact information, driver’s license number, and insurance details. Also, collect all relevant vehicle information, such as make, model, year, color, vehicle identification number, and license plate number. Finally, collect contact information from any witnesses present at the scene.

Properly document the scene by taking pictures and videos of the entire accident scene, including vehicle damage, road conditions, and traffic signals. Record the time and date of the accident and take note of the directions each vehicle was heading to.

gather information

4. Contact the Insurance Company

Insurance policies are designed to protect you financially after an accident. So, if you’re involved in an accident, you should notify your insurance company about the crash as soon as possible. Most insurance companies have a 24/7 claims hotline for this purpose.

Be truthful and provide accurate information about the incident. This will save you from being liable for damages caused by the accident. We cannot overemphasize the importance of “being truthful and providing accurate information” because distortion of facts (even minutely) is the most common reason why auto insurance claims are denied.

You should file an accident report as soon as possible. Most auto insurance police do not provide a strict deadline or window for filing claims. However, if you didn’t file a report to your insurance broker, agent, or insurance company as quickly as possible following an accident, your claim may be denied. There is no need for delay. Get the necessary documents for the claim and file your report.

You will need to provide the following when making your report:

  • Accident details – driver’s name and license number
  • Date, time, and location of the accident
  • Your policy number
  • Make, model, year, registration number, license plate number of the vehicle
  • Extent of injuries
  • Extent of damages to the vehicle
  • Number of passengers involved
  • The name and badge number of the investigating police officer
  • Names and driver’s license numbers of all drivers involved
  • Your description of the accident
  • Names of insurance companies and auto insurance policies of all drivers involved

This list of data needed to file your insurance claims emphasizes the need to be thorough when gathering information following a car accident.

5. Seek Medical Attention

Note that some injuries (like internal trauma or whiplash) may not be immediately apparent but can have long-term consequences. So, it’s important to go for a medical evaluation after a car accident, even if your injuries seem minor.

Medical records will also be crucial when filing a personal injury claim. It’s also important to check whether or not your policy has personal injury protection (PIP) included as this can provide financial support should you have medical expenses to pay.

6. Document Your Expenses

Document all expenses related to the accident, such as medical bills, vehicle repairs, rental car costs, and any other out-of-pocket expenses. This documentation will be helpful when negotiating a settlement with insurance companies.

7. Be Cautious with Insurance Adjusters

Insurance companies lose money when they pay for damages, so it’s important for them to double check all of the facts surrounding the accident. Thus, be mindful of what you say to them, as your statements can be used against you.

You may ask the adjuster to justify their offer if you perceive it as low. While you can represent yourself in the negotiations, you may be better served getting a lawyer.

8. Consider Legal Assistance

It is wise to get legal assistance if the accident results in significant injuries, you’re making a huge claim, or liability is unclear. A skilled lawyer can help protect your rights, negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance companies, and guide you through the whole process.

consider legal assistance

Final Thoughts

After a car accident, navigating the claims process can be exhausting. But with a clear understanding of the necessary steps, you can work towards a satisfactory resolution.

Following the steps above will help protect your interest and bring you success as you navigate the complexities of a car accident claim. If you need further advice or are in need of a trusted insurance broker, then contact Ron Johnston Insurance today to see how we can help.

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